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  • Philly Mayor's Cup

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    Philly Mayor's Cup

    by Lionel Brahim Brodie III


    Philly Mayor's Cup is the ultimate team competition. Held at “a place called the Plateau” (is where everybody go), the event is one day, Saturday, August 10th.....and is comprised of five races: 5K, 5 Mile, 10K, 10 Mile, and a Half Marathon.



    There are three different ways to win:


    The team that is the fastest

    The team that has the most fun 

    The team that raises the most for charity


    You can find the official scoring rules HERE.



    Philly Mayor's Cup is a by Philadelphia runners, for Philadelphia runners extravaganza. The race requirements for a team/club/crew to participate are as follows:


    The team must meet primarily within the Philadelphia City Limits

    The team must have a primary purpose of running

    The team must exist for reasons beyond participation in the Philly Mayor's Cup


    There are almost 40 teams signed up, and we'll try to highlight as many of them as possible over the course of the next month.


    I'd be remiss if I didn't say that 2 of the 5 races are trail races, and 1 is a cross-country race. If you need anything for your wardrobe in the Trail or XC space, click RIGHT HERE to gear up!



    My club, Original Propaganda Athletic Club, has a team for the first time! Will we win anything? Remains to be seen.....


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