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  • Penn Relays Week - Friday, April 26

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    Penn Relays Week - Friday, April 26

    by Lionel Brahim Brodie III


    Welcome to Penn Relays Month! The Penn Relays Carnival is the biggest and oldest track and field competition our United States of America. Sponsored by Toyota and our friends at On, this year's event will be held from April 25 – April 27 at its annual location – the University of Pennsylvania at Franklin Field in Philadelphia.

    On is supporting Philly in a big way during Penn Relays week with Philadelphia Runner. Dedicated to the successes and triumphs of athletes everywhere. The gritty, the raw, the everything.


    Pro Tip: Show up, but leave some gas in the tank for Saturday.

    Friday, April 26 – On Day At Penn Relays


    Grade School races. Junior High School races. High School races. College races. Yes, yes, yes, and yes.



    And just when you thought you've maxed out on action.....Distance Night begins! The Corporate Distance Medley kicks us off, followed by the Women's and Men's Open/Club 5000m. This is where we'll get to cheer on our friends and teammates from our local run clubs. This is where some of us might be competing and racing.....including some of our Philadelphia Runner Staff!



    We'll (Philadelphia Runner) will be in Day 2 of our retail booths adjacent to Franklin Field. Make sure you stop by and say hello.


    Penn Relays' Friday bridges the excitement of Thursday with the exhilaration of Saturday! More on that soon.....


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    Unfortunately, our digital storefront is down for a bit of maintenance. In the meantime, feel free to shop us in-store. Please check back again soon.